Nioh Beta Test Has Started! Fight Strong Foes In “Aima Ga Doki” And Challenge Missions With Other Players in “Tokoyo Doukou”

Desheng Chen
Nioh Beta Test Has Started! Fight Strong Foes In “Aima Ga Doki” And Challenge Missions With Other Players in “Tokoyo Doukou”

The PS4 exclusive dark sengoku action RPG “Nioh” has launched a beta demo version on the Playstation store available from 23rd of August 2016 to 6th of September 2016

Nioh is a “shinige” (short for shini game, which means death game) that fills players with adrenaline and achievement as they clear challenging stages. From April’s alpha demo, the developers from Team Ninja has received many player feedback and adjusted the beta demo accordingly.  They also implemented new elements to give players an even greater sense of excitement.

The beta demo will only be playable between 23rd of August to 6th of September. After that it will not be playable even if you download it, so don’t miss it. If you clear the special stage, you will be awarded with a “proof of the strong” that can be used to receive DLC in the full version of the game.

In order to further improve the game, an online survey will be conducted. Play the beta demo and let the developers know though Nioh official website’s survey form. Those who take the survey will be given an original smartphone wallpaper as a present.

There will be a Twitter campaign to commemorate the launch of the beta demo. Follow the official Twitter page of Nioh ( and write a tweet with “#仁王体験版” and your thoughts about the demo or other messages for the developers, and stand a chance to receive Nioh special badges (only for 20 lucky participants).

<About Nioh Beta Demo>

Available dates :

23rd August 2016 to 6th September 2016

Demo exclusives :

“Proof of the strong” and “Proof of conquest”

Proofs can be used to obtain DLCs in the full version of the game.

*Clearing the main mission, “demon island”, of the demo will give you a “proof of conquest”. If you have already gotten a “proof of conquest” from the Alpha demo, you will not receive it again.

New features :

Aima ga doki – A stage enveloped in an ominous and demonic air where strong demons appear. An exciting and highly challenging game mode.

Tokoyo Doukou – Pair up with one other player online to clear missions. Even if one player dies, the other player can resurrect him.

Online survey :

In order to further improve on the game, a survey is conducted to hear from players. Those who participate will receive a smartphone wallpaper.

Dates of survey : 23rd August 2016 to 7th September 2016

I gave the demo a try, and gave up before I could clear it. This game is RIDICULOUSLY hard. I haven’t played Dark Souls so I haven’t tried a “shinige” before, but dying 30 times in 2 hours really wore my patience down. I’m not an action game guy, but I can see how hardcore action game players will love this game. It is as challenging as video games can get. Be sure not to miss the beta demo while it lasts!

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